Machine Zigzag Seam Finish
This is a fast and easy method for finishing fabrics that ravel. Set the zigzag setting for medium width and length. For loosely woven or heavy fabrics use a wide stitch.
Zigzag along the edge of each seam allowance.
Zigzag along the edge of each seam allowance.
Pinked Seam Finish
Most firmly woven fabrics can be trimmed with pinking shears. Pinking doesn't prevent raveling entirely. For more protection, stitch 1/4" from each edge before pinking. Press seam open.
Hemmed Seam Finish
This method forms a narrow, single-fold hem along the edges of the seam allowances. Also called "clean finish" or "turned and stitched" seam finish. Use on lightweight to medium-weight fabrics. Attractive on unlined jackets. Turn the edges of the seam allowances under 1/4" and press. Stitch close to the folded edge.